Why So Serious?


Okay, so today my inner nerd is hurting a little bit, & here’s why.
PokemonGo released this past week & my newsfeed is flooded with posts about it. I downloaded it on day one & have played daily since then. It’s fun, & as a girl who was obsessed with Pokemon back in the day, I am lost in a sense of childish nostalgia. With all the hatred, political mess, & general insanity in the world right now, I welcomed this new community of nerds as a safe place where people from all walks of life are coming together. People of all ages, gender, races, political parties, & sexual orientation are chatting, sharing tips, creating fun content, & GETTING ALONG! Our nation is in turmoil & for a brief moment we all found a common ground. We found something fun, something playful, something nostalgic, something happy! This world needs more happy.
So to all the people complaining that PokemonGo is pointless, stupid, “nerdy”(in a negative connotation), or just for jobless basement dwellers… I say this…
Why so serious?
Why can’t you leave it alone? Why do you have to post constantly about how Pokemon is taking over your newsfeed & how these nerds need to get a job or a real life. Do you know how bad this makes you look? In a world filled with hate, you just spew out more, & towards a group of people who more than likely have been a victim of your nasty mean girl brand of hatred before. You sat at the special table in high school & passed down judgement on anyone who was different. High school is over. The nerd still like their nerd stuff, & you still hate them for it. You are still a bully, so stop it. You are not better than them because you don’t play a video game. We are no better than you because we do. We are all people just looking for one happy moment in this cruel world. Leave it alone. If you need something to be angry about, look around. Racism, sexism, gender inequality, the presidential race are all worth being angry over. A video is not. People all over the place are finding happiness, so kindly redirect yourself to something that matters. We don’t need your approval, but we also don’t need your attitude.

Who am I?


Who am I?

I am a 26 year old mother, business owner, beauty lover, netflix addict, who likes to do amazon reviews & go to drag races in her free time. I drink way more coke than should be technically legal. I a complete nerd. #SuperWhoLockian4eva haha. I change my hair color twice a month sometimes. I love finding new makeup & skin care stuff to try. I live on a tight budget. I never met a problem I didn’t want to solve. I have suffered from depression & anxiety my entire life. I believe that all women deserve to feel pretty. I cuss, I drink, & I am a sucker for a good party. I am still a KICKASS parent & human being in general.
I want to have this blog be a reflection of all that. I want you to come here for content, but stay for the personality. haha. As I build this community I invite you to follow along & see what happens.
I’ve committed myself to at least one post a week for the rest of the year. I am excited to see where all this goes.
So now I’ll ask a favor of you, comment below a blog topic you’d be interested in reading about? Give me an idea, & I will run with it. I’ll make sure to feature you if I choose your idea.







How will I make it?


Have you ever asked yourself that question? Maybe you were struggling with a major life change, or maybe you were just trying to get through one more load of laundry. Personally I feel like I ask this question at least once a day.
There is a certain level of fear in my mind every time this thought pops up. A real true primal human fear. How will I make it? How will I survive? Then I remember…
I have survived all of my worst days so far. 
I am still here. I made it this far. I made it past all the bad decisions, all the hard choices, all the stress inducing moments. I came out on the other side of all those things. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? I think so. The value of all that crap serves as a reminder that, yes, I will make it. These tough moments, these trials; however menial or mundane are only temporary. I have survived thus far. I will continue to survive.

5 Masks for Every Skintype


Okay, so personally I have been plagued with insane skin my entire life. Oily one month, then dry, followed by a storm of blackheads. Seriously my skin may be bipolar; I’m just saying. When I found the Perfectly Posh product line, I decided to give it a try. Why not? I had tried everything else, so what did I have to lose. Well I fell in love instantly. (I even ended up deciding to become a rep for the company!) It changed my skin. There are masks for everything & I could switch up easily depending on how my wacko skin was feeling at the time without switching up my entire skincare routine. I still use the same cleanser & moisturizer every day. It’s so easy. So I decided to share 5 of my favorite masks with you, & maybe you can find something to put some ease into your skin care battles.

1. In The Clear
This mask sends acne screaming for the hills. Peppermint and lemon oils combine with white tea leaf extract and kaolin clay to get deep into your pores & flush out the yuck. It smells so good, leaves a cool tingle, & is always an instant pick me up. I turn to this bad boy every time I have a break out or my blackheads show their ugly face.

2. Stay Gold
My poor face went through a dry spell recently & this little tub of heaven was a life saver. I personally think it smells a little odd but not in a bad way lol. It has honey & tumeric and relieves redness & dryness. It really is super hydrating, but my favorite thing it does is help correct my patchiness (which drives me nuts every time my skin get the least bit dry).

3. Cackle Spackle
OMG! I cannot say enough good things about this mask. I smells & feels like 5 Gum tastes. Seriously, this mask is all about detoxing. It has charcoal, spearmint, volcanic ash, & kaolin clay. My husband even approves of this one. I use this mask every Sunday to help detox my face after a long week of makeup, dirt, & daily yuckiness. It draws out all the impurities, cleanses, & tones. I just follow up with a little moisturizer & BOOM my skin is rocking & ready for the week ahead.

4. Apricots Overnight
This sweet thing is my go to after a day in the sun. It’s all about moisture. I spend alot of time outdoors & it can seriously be rough on my skin. Anytime I need a little boost for my skin (especially my nose, it’s always drying out lol), I reach for this. I just apply a thin layer then head to bed. When I wake up, it’s like I got a new face; a softer, smoother, yummier smelling new face lol. [this pic is the first time I tried it. I just had a sample pack & fell in love]

5. In a New York Minute
Oh boy, this one is a must have for dull lackluster skin. Its like a full facial but without the gigantic price tag. I reach out to this whenever I feel like I need a total skin overhaul. It removes dead skin & deep cleans all your pores. It doesn’t have a strong scent but there is a faint astringent undertone, which is great for drying out pimples fyi.

All in all Posh has a mask for just about any skin type, which I love. They are also affordable compared to spa treatments & other comparable masks on the market.
[Every single one is under $22 & has at minimum 10 to 20 uses per container].
I have fallen in love, & I hope that maybe this little guide can help you find something that works for your skin ailments.

We’re all out here winging it; life, skin, our eyeliner… & I wish someone had shown all this to me years ago. If you have any questions, just ask. I’m posting links to each mask below. Hope it helps. 🙂

Links to Learn More
1. In The Clear
2. Stay Gold
3. Cackle Spackle
4. Apricots Overnight
5. In a New York Minute

I Suck At Packing.


I’m serious. I legit suck at packing. I am admitting my faults for all the world to see. It’s okay if you laugh at me because I am totally laughing at myself too. This is why I suck…

1. I hate folding laundry. 
Laundry is on my short list of things I actually hate. The contents of my current wardrobe are currently scattered from the dryer all the way through my bedroom and overflowing into my master bathroom. Go ahead, roll your eyes, guffaw, giggle, or turn your nose up; but I am being real here. I can’t even tell you what all I have much less make a plan to pack it.

2. I have too many cosmetics/skin care products.
Being a Posh girl had many upsides, but the downside is that I am all to obsessed with my beauty products. What all do I bring? I’m traveling all the way across the county (Georgia to Washington). I have no idea what the climate change will do to my skin lol.  Which eyeshadow pallet will I want? What if I have a break out? So many unknowns! How do I even narrow it down? I’m still trying to figure out airline travel guidelines on liquids. I have way too many liquids. This is torture.

3. I hate folding clothes.
Yes, I know I already said this, but it is worth repeating because even on my short road trips it always looks like my closet threw up & used my suitcase as a motion sickness bag. I’m just gonna wing it. Maybe youtube can help me? I saw something about a roll up method one time. I might try that. I’ll treat my clothing like a burrito, & maybe treat myself to a burrito if it comes out well enough.

4. I can’t limit my wardrobe.
Travel is an adventure, but one should always dress appropriately. That being said, I have no idea what my adventure has in store for me. Should I pack a dress? Will there be lots of walking? Do I need to bring a sports bra? Why is this so freaking hard!? I am not mentally prepared for this. I’m just gonna pack 1 of each potential outfit type. Hopefully I don’t run out of situation appropriate clothing or I may have to wear dress clothes on the flight home.

I’m just overwhelmed with the whole thing. Packing sucks. I suck. We should get along just fine, but we don’t. In all honesty this whole post was just a way to distract myself from the empty suitcase that is glaring at me from across the room. I feel it judging me. I am so excited about this trip, but not the packing. I’m over it already. Anyways, I am off to research carry on guidelines. This should be fun. [not]

Help a girl out.
What are your favorite packing tips and tricks? 
Post them in the comments.


Waiting for the butterflies..


A few weeks ago I was watching my 3 year old play in the front yard. She ran around, cooked some mud pies, and even had a tea party with Moe (our pit mix). All of a sudden she just stopped. She grabbed her chair, turned it towards the fields, & sat down. I watched and waited. 15 minutes passed & finally I just had to break the silence to ask why she had not moved or made a noise in so long. Her response…

“I’m just waiting on the butterflies”.

I couldn’t respond. My mind was instantly consumed with 100 thoughts. Her answer was so matter of fact. She just knew that butterflies were coming, even with none in sight. And she was being so patient. So calm in her faith that they would appear soon. I started applying this to my own life. How often do I just sit back & let myself just have faith that something beautiful is coming? Why am I always chasing after things instead of just having faith that good things will happen? Maybe she was teaching me something. Maybe this was a lesson in faith. So I sat with her & we waited. Then that tiny little yellow butterfly made his appearance. I almost cried. All she had was faith & God delivered. I’m not a very religious person, but as a Christian this moment moved me.
This was my reminder that even on my worst days all I need is faith. I just have to believe that good things are on the horizon. Maybe that’s half the battle. So for now I’m just let go of my fears of what tomorrow holds & just wait for the butterflies.pexels-photo-large

5 Daily Rituals to Reduce Stress


As someone who struggles with depression & anxiety I can personally attest to the necessity for self care & stress relief. I find myself constantly searching for those few minutes where I can be at peace, although that is easier said than done some days with work, kids, household duties, etc. 😉 So I decided I would share 5 ways that I accomplish this daily, even on my craziest days.

1. Take 3 Deep Breaths
Seriously, I know how silly this sounds, but think back and when is the last time you remember just breathing? Slowing down long enough to take 3 deep breaths is so relaxing. I do this anytime I feel overwhelmed & it never fails to help me reset. The tasks ahead seem less daunting & more manageable. It’s empowering.

2. Put Your Favorite Song On…
and dance! Well maybe not the dancing part, unless you want to. lol. Listening to a song you love is proven to increase happiness & reduce stress. I usually do this when I’m doing one of my not so favorite chores, like washing dishes or folding laundry. Its really hard to be unhappy with Justin Timberlake singing his sweet melodies in the background.

3. Take Inventory Of Good Things
I don’t really do this one daily, but I manage to do it a few times a week. Grab a piece of paper, notepad, junk mail, or whatever. Jot down all the good things that have happened that day. Your child said thank you. Dinner was edible. 😉 Your best friend called. Basically anything that made you smile. This simple exercise will pull your focus from the negative stress & refocus it on positive things, no matter how small. It adds up.

4. Pamper Yourself
Simply taking the time to care for yourself can be a huge thing. Sometimes it can seem frivolous or like a waste of time, but self care doesn’t always involve a whole day at the spa or 2 hours locked in your bathroom. Who has that kind of time or money anyways? haha. It can be as simple as putting lotion on your hands or soaking your feet in the tub (kids in the tub while you do it is totally optional). My personal ritual is nightly after my kids are in bed I wash & moisturize my face. Three times a week I throw a mask in the mix. It’s my ME TIME, and it never fails to relax me.

5. Put Down Your Tech
Turn off your phone (or silence it), close your laptop, & turn off the tv. Seems scary right? Well what’s scary is how quiet a home can be when all the devices are turned off. In my house we do 10-20 minutes of no tech every day. I chat with my kids, read part of a book, or sometimes just walk outside for a little bit. 15 minutes offline isn’t going to destroy your social calendar, I promise. It will, however, reset your day. I’m always amazed at how much fun I have in those few moments, & how much more productive I feel afterwards.


All in all stress is inevitable, and these may not all be your cup of tea but I do hope that they help you in the same ways that they have helped me. Try one today, or try them all. Whatever you do, just remember that you are not alone.

If you would like to learn more about my daily pampering rituals & the products I use please contact me via my website or on my Facebook page.

What are your favorite ways to relieve stress?
Share them in the comments.