Who am I?


Who am I?

I am a 26 year old mother, business owner, beauty lover, netflix addict, who likes to do amazon reviews & go to drag races in her free time. I drink way more coke than should be technically legal. I a complete nerd. #SuperWhoLockian4eva haha. I change my hair color twice a month sometimes. I love finding new makeup & skin care stuff to try. I live on a tight budget. I never met a problem I didn’t want to solve. I have suffered from depression & anxiety my entire life. I believe that all women deserve to feel pretty. I cuss, I drink, & I am a sucker for a good party. I am still a KICKASS parent & human being in general.
I want to have this blog be a reflection of all that. I want you to come here for content, but stay for the personality. haha. As I build this community I invite you to follow along & see what happens.
I’ve committed myself to at least one post a week for the rest of the year. I am excited to see where all this goes.
So now I’ll ask a favor of you, comment below a blog topic you’d be interested in reading about? Give me an idea, & I will run with it. I’ll make sure to feature you if I choose your idea.







Waiting for the butterflies..


A few weeks ago I was watching my 3 year old play in the front yard. She ran around, cooked some mud pies, and even had a tea party with Moe (our pit mix). All of a sudden she just stopped. She grabbed her chair, turned it towards the fields, & sat down. I watched and waited. 15 minutes passed & finally I just had to break the silence to ask why she had not moved or made a noise in so long. Her response…

“I’m just waiting on the butterflies”.

I couldn’t respond. My mind was instantly consumed with 100 thoughts. Her answer was so matter of fact. She just knew that butterflies were coming, even with none in sight. And she was being so patient. So calm in her faith that they would appear soon. I started applying this to my own life. How often do I just sit back & let myself just have faith that something beautiful is coming? Why am I always chasing after things instead of just having faith that good things will happen? Maybe she was teaching me something. Maybe this was a lesson in faith. So I sat with her & we waited. Then that tiny little yellow butterfly made his appearance. I almost cried. All she had was faith & God delivered. I’m not a very religious person, but as a Christian this moment moved me.
This was my reminder that even on my worst days all I need is faith. I just have to believe that good things are on the horizon. Maybe that’s half the battle. So for now I’m just let go of my fears of what tomorrow holds & just wait for the butterflies.pexels-photo-large