I Suck At Packing.


I’m serious. I legit suck at packing. I am admitting my faults for all the world to see. It’s okay if you laugh at me because I am totally laughing at myself too. This is why I suck…

1. I hate folding laundry. 
Laundry is on my short list of things I actually hate. The contents of my current wardrobe are currently scattered from the dryer all the way through my bedroom and overflowing into my master bathroom. Go ahead, roll your eyes, guffaw, giggle, or turn your nose up; but I am being real here. I can’t even tell you what all I have much less make a plan to pack it.

2. I have too many cosmetics/skin care products.
Being a Posh girl had many upsides, but the downside is that I am all to obsessed with my beauty products. What all do I bring? I’m traveling all the way across the county (Georgia to Washington). I have no idea what the climate change will do to my skin lol.  Which eyeshadow pallet will I want? What if I have a break out? So many unknowns! How do I even narrow it down? I’m still trying to figure out airline travel guidelines on liquids. I have way too many liquids. This is torture.

3. I hate folding clothes.
Yes, I know I already said this, but it is worth repeating because even on my short road trips it always looks like my closet threw up & used my suitcase as a motion sickness bag. I’m just gonna wing it. Maybe youtube can help me? I saw something about a roll up method one time. I might try that. I’ll treat my clothing like a burrito, & maybe treat myself to a burrito if it comes out well enough.

4. I can’t limit my wardrobe.
Travel is an adventure, but one should always dress appropriately. That being said, I have no idea what my adventure has in store for me. Should I pack a dress? Will there be lots of walking? Do I need to bring a sports bra? Why is this so freaking hard!? I am not mentally prepared for this. I’m just gonna pack 1 of each potential outfit type. Hopefully I don’t run out of situation appropriate clothing or I may have to wear dress clothes on the flight home.

I’m just overwhelmed with the whole thing. Packing sucks. I suck. We should get along just fine, but we don’t. In all honesty this whole post was just a way to distract myself from the empty suitcase that is glaring at me from across the room. I feel it judging me. I am so excited about this trip, but not the packing. I’m over it already. Anyways, I am off to research carry on guidelines. This should be fun. [not]

Help a girl out.
What are your favorite packing tips and tricks? 
Post them in the comments.